Thursday, September 19, 2019

Healing ourselves with mind power

“Mentally create the world you wish with your mind and your brain will physically adapt”. Rudi Tanzi
It isn't  pseudoscience anymore.  You can heal your body using your mind. Scientific research now has proven that your brain can influence your body.  The science has uncovered how our thoughts heal us.  What we think affects our body, every cell we have.  

Neuroscientists are working with brain imaging, to measure how meditation influences different areas of the brain.  Mindfulness can help anxiety, lower blood pressure, increase lung capacity, and improve immunity function. It reduces pain, increases concentration, and often quiets the mind.   

How do you begin to make these changes?  

1. The first step is AWARENESS, being conscious of our body’s processes.  Our bodies are constantly working to heal and correct imbalances.  Every moment of every day our bodies strive to be in balance, or homeostasis.  When something is out of balance, the cells, tissues, organs, and various systems work in tandem to correct or heal what has occurred.

2. Secondly, you can use the BREATH to bring you in present moment and awareness.  Taking deep, slow breaths oxygenates your cells, necessary for optimum health.  There are many wonderful visualizations and guided meditations to help you deepen your breath that are free on You Tube. It can also be as simple as inhaling for the count of seven, pausing, then exhaling for the count of seven.  You will immediately notice changes as you breath deeply: your heart rate slows, a peace surfaces.

3.  LISTEN to your body…identify what needs to be healed.  Do you need to heal an injury?  Reduce pain?  Calm your mind?  Access your creativity?

See your cells, tissues, organs and systems working at optimum.   Go to the area of concern and focus light there.  Stay as long as needed in the area.  Keep filling the area with light, or just image the area healing, being free of pain.

4.  AFFIRM that you are healing, that you are well.  Repeating a simple phrase of sentence throughout the day, or even writing it out changes the thought process by having you focus on the healing rather than the pain.  

The more positive thoughts you have actually changes the biochemistry in the brain.  For more information on this a good book to read is Super Brain, by Deepak Chopra and Rudi Tanzi. Rudi Tanzi, a neurosurgeon says, “Mentally create the world you wish with your mind and your brain will physically adapt”. 

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